I called James yesterday around 1pm to see if he wanted to go fishing. Of course he said yes :) Since it was getting a little later in the day I suggested we try fishing for some trout and what better way to do that than to do some fly fishing. We decided to go to the Kennebecasis River near Sussex since it is only about 45 minutes from home.
I picked James up close to 2 pm and we were ready to fish right around 3pm. We decided to try a stretch or river that we have both fished in the past in the Penobsquis area. James said he had not fished this area in the past 10 years so I was glad we decided to give it a try.
We got into the water below the bridge and walked up to the bridge as I have caught some decent trout there in the past. We each caught a small trout and had a few decent trout come up for our flies. We then decided to start our way down the river. The water was fairly high from the recent rain we received. It was cloudy and actually a little cool. The water temperature was much cooler than the Canaan was the other day.
As we made our way down the river we both caught lots of little trout but did not really see anything too big but the constant jumping and catching of the little trout made it a great afternoon and evening. We walked down quite a ways and when we decided to stop we just got onto the railroad tracks and walked back to the road. This made it a very easy walk back to the car. It certainly beats walking back through the bush.
James was getting tired out part way through the fishing so he decided to go rummaging through the woods to see if he could find a chair to sit on for awhile....and guess what....he found one :)
The flies I used on the trip were a white wolley bugger, a black wolley bugger, royal coachman, and a mosquito. I used the mosquito last and would have to say gave me the most action.
It was a great change getting the fly rods out and doing some fly fishing on a great river, The Kennebecasis River. The stretch we fished is designated as catch and release only.
Part way down the river my line got caught in a tree and when I tired to get it out my leader came off my fly line. I have always used an item to attach my leader to my fly line because I have never learned to tie many knots. James was good enough to tie my leader on for me. He used a nail knot and told me he will show me how. If you are like me and are not good at tying knots you could try some of these books or guides to help you. I think I should pick some up as well :) Complete Book of Fishing Knots, Lines, and Leaders
, The Complete Book of Fishing Knots
, Fisherman's Ultimate Knot Guide
, Practical Fishing Knots
, and The Book of Practical Fishing Knots
Part way down the river my line got caught in a tree and when I tired to get it out my leader came off my fly line. I have always used an item to attach my leader to my fly line because I have never learned to tie many knots. James was good enough to tie my leader on for me. He used a nail knot and told me he will show me how. If you are like me and are not good at tying knots you could try some of these books or guides to help you. I think I should pick some up as well :) Complete Book of Fishing Knots, Lines, and Leaders
Oh man Jamie I had such a great time. I am sure, as tired as I was, that I was awake half the night just going over the river and the day in my mind. Almost forgot how much I love fly fishing.
ReplyDeleteI thought you would get a laugh when I found that chair in the bush.
Thanks for fun