I took a fellow teacher buddy out fishing today. Guy and I have gone fishing a few times in the past. We have mainly gone for trout. I really wanted to take him to try for some pickerel and when I mentioned that to him he was all for it.
He picked me up at 7am and we were off. Today was the first time this year that I used the canoe. It was great to use it again but I am still all knotted up :) When we got there Guy said the first one who catches a fish does not have to pay for some treats on the way home. We got into the canoe and started fishing. Guy caught a nice pickerel about 5 minutes into fishing. I was pleased that he caught his first pickerel ever that I did not care if I had to buy the treats. Guy was quick to catch his second pickerel of the day.

We continued to make our way around the water. I finally caught two back to back pickerel and they were 2 very big pickerel. They were probably two of the biggest I have ever caught.
When we stopped fishing we probably landed around 15 pickerel and had many more chase our baits. Guy had a great time and is anxious to try it again. Of course I am always looking forward to going back to this spot to do more pickerel fishing.
He picked me up at 7am and we were off. Today was the first time this year that I used the canoe. It was great to use it again but I am still all knotted up :) When we got there Guy said the first one who catches a fish does not have to pay for some treats on the way home. We got into the canoe and started fishing. Guy caught a nice pickerel about 5 minutes into fishing. I was pleased that he caught his first pickerel ever that I did not care if I had to buy the treats. Guy was quick to catch his second pickerel of the day.
We crossed the cove and started fishing up the side. Before I knew it I was down 5-0. guy reminded me it was 5-0 :) I did not mind as I was getting a few pickerel to case my bait. We were using different 6 inch rubber worms. Guy thought I was crazy when I showed him a certain color but it was the color that worked the best today. The color was pink.
When we stopped fishing we probably landed around 15 pickerel and had many more chase our baits. Guy had a great time and is anxious to try it again. Of course I am always looking forward to going back to this spot to do more pickerel fishing.