Sorry for not writing in awhile but I need fishing season to start to get some more material :) Speaking of......the count down has officially started!!!!! One month to go until fishing season opens here in New Brunswick.

The other brooks I fish in Turtle Creek are basically the same, meaning they are quite shallow and overgrown. I usually try to fish these brooks in June. I have tried earlier in the season but never got a bite. The reason I fish these spots is because I can jump in the car and be at them in about 25 minutes. You will not catch any huge fish but once they are biting you will have some fun. Make sure you put on lots of bug spray as the black flies are usually very bad here.
Another place that I have fished at over the years I wanted to mention is Turtle Creek. There are many little brooks in this area that you can catch brook trout. First thing is you have to be careful you are not too close to the reservoir. This area is off limits by the city of Moncton. Once you turn off Coverdale road I drive about 20 minutes. There are three or four brooks that are pretty close to each other. Most of these spots are quite overgrown, which makes them almost impossible to fly fish. These brooks are best fished with worms and the spinning rod.
The first brook I get to is a brook that surprised me a few years ago. It is a brook that is quite shallow once you get into it and make your way down. It is very overgrown so it is good for the fish to hide. A few summers ago, on a few different occasions I pulled out some 12 inch brook trout. I have not fished this spot much the past few years. For some reason I have not had much action at all.