When we go fishing for chain pickerel it is about an hour and a half from the Moncton area, which is not bad for a great day of fishing, which by the way, happened every time we went fishing in this area for chain pickerel. We always take my 13 foot canoe, which works great for fishing this small area. We use the anchor to hold us in different areas of the water, as there is a current that will move you away from where you want to stay. In the canoe we used our bait casting rods. We used different baits to try to catch the chain pickerel. We used some plastic top-water baits, which worked well out of the weeds, but we mainly used 4-inch plastic worms rigged weedless. I bought all my baits from this seller on Ebay. He has very good prices and is great to deal with. Click on the word Ebay in the previous line to visit his store.
Once we get the canoe settled in a certain area I would start casting in one direction and James would start casting in the other. The chain pickerel love to hide in the weeds so we cast into the weeds and reel in the plastic baits so they stay on top of the water. If there is a pickerel behind the bait they will start chasing the bait until it strikes. It is great fun watching the pickerel chase the bait. I found the great thing about chain pickerel is that if they miss the bait or the hook does not get set you can throw the bait right back in the same area and they will go after it again. If you miss on a trout you are normally out of luck. If the pickerel are beside the bait they will explode right out of the water at the bait. This is also great fun to watch, especially when it happens very close to the canoe.

This summer we will continue to go chain pickerel fishing in the canoe with our plastic baits but we are also going to go fly fishing for them as well. James has two fishing tubes that we are going to use. I bought some flippers to use with them this winter. He says this is great fun so I am looking forward to this as well.
On a few trips to this same spot we spent the entire day there. We would just keep making our way around the same small area. We would stay the entire day because the pickerel were always very active. We would always have better luck when the wind died down. When the wind picked up a bit and made ripples on the water the pickerel seemed less active. On most occasions, we would have countless chases and strikes by the chain pickerel and would land roughly between 15-20 fish.
When landing a chain pickerel it is best to grab it just below the back of it's head as their teeth are very sharp and can cause you some damage if you get your fingers in that area.
This summer we will continue to go chain pickerel fishing in the canoe with our plastic baits but we are also going to go fly fishing for them as well. James has two fishing tubes that we are going to use. I bought some flippers to use with them this winter. He says this is great fun so I am looking forward to this as well.
Being a trout fisherman I found fishing for chain pickerel to be extremely exciting because they are bigger and much more aggressive. I am looking forward to this spring to get out and try for some more chain pickerel. I am not sure how early in the spring they become active but as soon as James says the word, we will be there. I will certainly be posting about each trip we take to go pickerel fishing.