Once school started a few months ago life got very busy. This is why I have not updated my blog. I do have to make time as I enjoy telling about the fishing trips I take. Since my last update I did go to Chipman a few times to fish pickerel. I also went to french Lake to try it as well. The day James and I went to French Lake we had some success but then the wind picked up so we decided to go to Chipman. The last time James and I went to Chipman it was close to the October 15th fishing cutoff date. It was a wet day but we both had rain suits so we did not mind. The water was up a good three feet because of all the rain we had. I had a few fish hit my baits but did not get a fish to the boat all day. James caught 4 or 5 throughout the day. We were certainly hoping for more but that is fishing.
I am looking forward to next season already and will use the "off season" to restock some baits. I recently went on Mister Twister's website and ordered some top props as a friend said they work very well so I am excited to give them a try next season. I will also have to take the exam to get my boater's licence so I will be able to use my trolling motor. Yes, I need it to use my trolling motor on my 13 foot canoe. Silly, yes. Money grab by the government, yes. But that can be another blog!! :)
One of the highlights was when I took my daughter Amy to Chipman to try for some bass and pickerel. We first went to the pond where we had great luck from shore catching bass last year. I am not sure what happened there but I tried there 4 times this year and did not catch a fish. We left there and I asked her if she wanted to try for some pickerel and she said yes. We again just fished from shore. She did a good job casting and soon had a few hits and was having fun. We went to the other side of the road and worked our way along the edge of the water. We had some big strikes and she enjoyed that. She then made a cast and had a fish on! She was able to reel it in by herself and ended up catching her first pickerel all by herself. She was impressed with how it fought and how heavy it was.
James and I are also going to make an effort to try some more bass fishing next season as well. We would talk about it but we usually ended back at Chipman because we have so much fun there.
I hope everyone has a great winter and I hope everyone will be as excited for April 15th as I will be.